Pupils in Primary 7BB have another busy and exciting term to look forward to!  We will be learning lots of new and interesting things together, both in and out of the classroom.


Our project this term is looking at ‘What Does it Take to be an Inventor?’ In class, children will be actively involved in researching and investigating this topic, however, they are also encouraged to think about their project at home and bring in any appropriate pictures, articles or items of interest they might find.



This term, children will be presenting personal talks to the rest of the class. We aim to start these on Monday 1st February and as such, no homework will be handed out the week before so that final preparations can be made! Children are free to choose what they would like to talk about – for approximately 3-5 minutes – and are encouraged to bring in photos or other relevant objects from home. Children will also be given time in class to prepare their talks.


On Fridays, Miss Burns will be working on functional writing skills with the class. They will be looking at the features of persuasive and discursive writing and also writing instructions for smoothie making! 


We are delighted to have Dr Kate MacDonald back with us this term. She, along with her team of visiting scientists, will be spending Tuesday afternoons with us for 4 weeks. We will be learning about solids, liquids and gases, inertia and other interesting scientific facts! Ask your child about some of the experiments we have conducted in class!! Word of caution though…don’t try these at home!s


We are also delighted to welcome back Mr Oparka this term. He will be teaching the children guitar skills starting on the 8th February. The children all enjoyed his drumming sessions last term and look forward to working with him again.


This term P7BB will have P.E. every Thursday with Miss Burns. Weather permitting; some of these lessons will be outdoors. Suitable gym kit – including shorts and gym shoes – should be worn for every P.E. session. To save children having to remember to take gym kit in every Thursday, a box is available in the classroom for them to store their kit.


As in previous terms, homework will be handed out on a Monday and should be handed back in on Thursday, signed by an adult.  As a reminder, spelling words should be written out neatly 3 times at home in homework jotters. The spelling activities should be completed either in homework jotters or on a spelling activity sheet which your child will have been given in class.